Here are some resources to help you create a startup business plan:
1. BDC.ca provides a free business plan template that is part of a kit designed to help you define your business, describe your business, and document how you will be profitable. The template includes sections such as business overview, sales and marketing plan, operating plan, human resources plan, action plan, executive summary, and financial appendix. You can download the template from .
2. Smartsheet.com offers a traditional outline for creating a business plan document. You can use a business plan template or begin with a business plan outline that provides all the elements of a standard plan to compile the data you have gathered on your business and industry. You can remove sections from your outline that arent relevant or that arent necessary to launch and operate your business. You can find more information at .
3. HubSpot.com provides a simple template designed to help someone new to the business world easily put together a professional plan describing a new venture. The template is short and can be adapted as your business matures to include additional detail. You can create different iterations of it for different audiences. You can find more information at .
I hope these resources help you get started with your startup business plan!