The AdMaiora Project is a research initiative that aims to investigate nanotechnologies, advanced materials, remotely physical stimulation, advanced manufacturing, wearable devices, and cloud platforms to develop a unique workflow for treating osteoarthritis (OA) . The project has a well-defined management structure and boards that oversee the various aspects of the project. Here are the key members of the management structure:
1. Project Coordinator (PC): The PC is the primary point of contact between the European Commission and the AdMaiora Consortium. They coordinate the different research and technological activities foreseen in the project .
2. Project Manager (PM): The PM supports the PC and is responsible for all activities concerning contractual, organizational, and work-related project issues .
3. Technical Project Manager (TPM): The TPM provides support on the organization and coordination of the technical aspects of the project .
4. Communication Manager (CM): The CM is responsible for communication initiatives. They support the PC and PM in devising, organizing, and managing such initiatives and collecting feedback for them .
5. Financial and Administrative Coordinator (FAC): The FAC works closely with the PM to synchronize contractual and administrative items with accounting and financial issues .
The following boards are responsible for overseeing various aspects of the project:
1. Board of Partners (BoP): The BoP is responsible for making major decisions during the project course .
2. Work Package Leaders (WPL): The WPLs are responsible for timely implementation of work planned in their respective work packages .
3. Ethical Advisory Board (EAB): The EAB monitors implementation of activities, ensuring adherence to ethical principles, and advises the PC and PM on ethical issues arising in the project .
4. Intellectual Property and Exploitation Committee (IPEC): The IPEC monitors Consortium intellectual property protection, defines an exploitation roadmap, and aims at consolidating possible exploitable results, fostering future commercialization of project outcomes .
5. External Scientific Board (ESB): The ESB advises the Consortium in the project course about appropriate scientific and technical decisions to be taken for achieving final project objectives .
6. End-Users Board (EUB): The EUB includes end-users along the whole value chain. It favors dissemination and communication of project results, making easy contacts outside Consortium with appropriate target groups .