Top Business Diagrams

  5 Why Analysis – Lean framework to get to the root cause of an issue or a defect
  Swot Analysis – Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats business framework
  Sipoc – High level view of the process inputs and outputs
  7 Wastes – Lean types of waste to be eliminated
  Affinity Diagram – Brainstorming technique for organization of information in logical categories
  Porters Value Chain – Internal analysis by Michael Porter looking at company’s value chain
  Customer Lifecycle – Model that acknowledges the client lifecycle
  BGC Matrix – Business framework for analyzing company’s market position
  Endtoend Process – Business Process Management framework looking at processes start to finish
  Five Factor Model of Personality – Model that analyzes personality traits
  CDStep Marketing Diagram – Marketing framework that analyzes various business environmental factors
  Cost of Poor Quality COPQ – Lean framework that recognizes that quality comes at a cost
  Gap Analysis – Presentation of business performance gaps against benchmarks
  Intrinsic Motivation – Diagram showing the difference between two types of motivations at the workplace
  Kaizen – Lean methodology for continuous improvement and waste elimination