Specific Measurable Attainable Realistic Time Bound Goals

Time Bound It is essential that goals have a timeframe or target date. A commitment to a deadline helps a team focus their efforts towards completion of the goal and prevents goals from being overtaken by other, unrelated routine tasks that may arise. A timerestrained goal is intended to establish a sense of urgency.

Setting a goal that is realistic can help avoid setbacks and false starts. For example, if you know you hate to run, training for a marathon may not be realistic. Aim for something challenging but not impossible. You can always adjust the goal later if it’s too easy. Longterm behavior change is more likely if you start small.

Measurable – no, there is no type of measurement we can use to determine whether or not this goal has been accomplished. Attainable – we do know this is an attainable goal, but at this point we’re still going to have trouble putting a plan in place to execute, and until we have a plan, we won’t know whether or not it’s attainable.