We are all in this together: An Aging Strategy for New Brunswick ii Terms and Definitions Persons 65 years and older are sometimes referred to as elders, older adults or persons who are aging. For the sake of simplicity, in this strategy, the council decided to use the term “senior” to describe those 65 years and older.
The strategy calls for a new LongTerm Care Actbe enacted. In addition, government will take advantage of the research available to inform public policy and, based on evidence, adopt best practices so New Brunswick can be the best place to age in Canada. The overarching theme of the strategy is “aging in place.”
This strategy calls for a shift in the mindset of all those involved in providing care and support to seniors. All New Brunswickers are encouraged to get involved in the conversation about aging and recognize that it is a natural process to embrace, rather than view as a disease. It urges all service providers to adopt a personcentred approach.