Impact Assessment Process

The Impact Assessment Process is a systematic approach to evaluate the potential environmental, health, social, and economic impacts of proposed projects, including benefits. It also assesses the potential impacts on Aboriginal and treaty rights and considers public interest in decision-making.

The process typically consists of the following phases:

1. Planning: During this phase, the public and Indigenous peoples are invited to provide information and contribute to the assessment planning.
2. Impact Statement: The proponent is provided with clear requirements for the information and studies needed to prepare an Impact Statement. The statement is informed by sound science and Indigenous knowledge.
3. Impact Assessment: This phase involves the assessment of potential environmental, health, social, and economic impacts of the proposed project. It also includes consultation on potential impacts on Aboriginal and treaty rights. The assessment is used to develop an impact assessment report.
4. Decision-making: Public interest is at the center of decisions made during this phase. The impact assessment report and Crown consultation outcomes inform the Minister or Governor in Council’s decision on whether a project’s adverse impacts are in the public interest. If the impacts are deemed to be in the public interest, the Minister must establish conditions for the proponent. Decision statements provide transparency and accountability by outlining the rationale for the decision.
5. Post Decision: The agency responsible for the assessment will actively verify compliance with decision statements and address any non-compliance. There will be increased transparency around follow-up programs, providing greater access to key documentation. Indigenous communities and the public will have more opportunities to participate in follow-up and monitoring programs.

Please note that the specific stages and steps involved in an impact assessment process may vary depending on the country and context.

You can find more information about the Impact Assessment Process on the official website of the Impact Assessment Agency of Canada.

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