Assessment Process Example

Here is a list of assessment strategies that you might want to consider for your course :

– Abstract
– Advertisement
– Annotated bibliography
– Biography or autobiography
– Brochure, poster
– Budget with rationale
– Case analysis
– Chart, graph, visual aid
– Client report for an agency
– Cognitive map, web or diagram
– Contemplative essay
– Debate
– Definition
– Description of a process
– Diagram, table, chart
– Dialogue
– Diary of a real or fictional historic character
– Essay exam
– Executive summary
– Fill in the blank test
– Flowchart
– Group discussion
– Instructional manual
– “Introduction” to an essay or scientific report (rather than the full report)
– Inventory
– Laboratory or field notes
– Letter to the editor
– Matching test
– Materials and methods plan
– Mathematical problem
– Memo
– “Micro-theme” (a tight, coherent essay typed on a 5x 8 note card)
– Multimedia or slide presentation
– Multiple-choice test
– Narrative
– News or feature story
– Notes on reading
– Oral report
– Outline
– Personal letter
– Plan for conducting a project
– Poem, play, choreography
– Question
– Regulations, laws, rules
– Research proposal addressed to a granting agency
– Review of book, play, exhibit
– Review of literature
– Rough draft or freewrite (writer writes freely, with no constraints for a certain amount of clock time)
-“Start” (a thesis statement and outline or list of ideas for developing)
-“Statement of assumptions”
-“Summary or précis”
-“Taxonomy or set of categories”
-“Technical or scientific report”
-“Term paper, research paper”
-“Thesis sentence” (sentence that expresses author’s main point)
-“Word problem”

Please note that this is not an exhaustive list and instructors have many more choices with respect to assessment strategies.

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